8,423 Pedestrians and Bicyclists Killed by Drivers in the United States Last Year

In 2023, 7,318 pedestrians were killed by drivers. This is the highest number since 1981. Additionally, drivers caused ~60,000 injuries to pedestrians. Pedestrian fatalities accounted for 21% of all traffic deaths last year.

In 2022*, a record 1,105 cyclists were killed by drivers, marking the highest number ever recorded, a significant increase compared to previous years. Additionally, drivers caused ~46,000 injuries to bicyclists.

The Truth About Speed & Fatalities

If you hit a pedestrian or cyclist with your car at 20mph, there’s a 5% fatality rate.

If you hit a pedestrian or cyclist with your car at 30mph, there’s a 45% fatality rate.

If you hit a pedestrian or cyclist with your car at 40mph, there’s a 85% fatality rate.

  • $1.9T

    economic impact every year due to driver related deaths and injuries.

    Every year. And increasing.

  • For 2019, NHTSA estimated the economic cost of motor vehicle crashes at $340 billion. Including quality-of-life valuations, the total societal harm was approximately $5,800 per person per year.

    Pedestrians are 17% of the crashes.

    Cyclists are 2%.

    19% of $1.37 trillion is $260 Billion.

Help inform future research priorities.